SSH tunnelled X sessions become unresponsive.

nodata lsof at
Fri Mar 23 18:07:45 UTC 2007

Am Freitag, den 23.03.2007, 17:01 +0000 schrieb Andy Burns:
> For several years I've used either Cygwin/X or more recently Xming as
> an X server for GUI access to Fedora machines from Windows machines,
> sometimes with XDMCP but mostly with SSH tunnelling using Putty/Plink.
> Recently I tried the same to an F7t2 machine, and again today with a
> rawhide machine that must be pretty close to what is going to be F7t3,
> Initiating the session with plink.exe and starting gnome-session on
> the Fedora box tunnelled back to windows, the Gnome session starts up
> OK, the gnome-panel reacts properly to mouse moves/clicks for a few
> seconds and then starts running like treacle, only accepting one click
> every 60 seconds or so, I've checked the same to an FC6 machine and it
> doesn't occur, I've upgraded to the latest Xming version and it
> doesn't help.
> I *think* the version of Xorg in F7/rawhide now uses XCB underneath
> Xlib as the transport, I don't claim to know all of Xorg's internal
> plumbing, but could this be related, or be causing some weird SSH/Xorg
> interaction?
> If I start Xming as a listening X server on the Windows box, then
> start a command line Putty/ssh connection to the F7 machine, and
> initiate a Gnome session back to the Windows box, with
> export DISPLAY=aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd:0.0
> gnome-session &
> it seems to run for longer, before meeting the same fate
> I realise this problem involves Xming (and windows) as well as Fedora,
> but it seems to be F7 related, because FC6 and FC3(!) machines still
> work OK, any other users doing remote X sessions and having problems?

I really think you need to ask this question on the Xming board/list, if
there is one.

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