Presto logging

Thomas M Steenholdt tmus at
Wed Mar 28 05:56:22 UTC 2007

Jonathan Dieter wrote:
> In the .tar.bz2 and the source rpm is a folder called makerepo that
> contains a very ugly script.
> The syntax is "/path/to/ <base directory> <relative
> directory to create drpms in>".  For the test server it's something like
> "~/bin/ ./ DRPMS/" while in
> ~/public_html/jdieter/updates/fc6/i386.
> It will then go and find all rpms, make any applicable deltas (at the
> moment, it creates any delta it can with 50%+ savings), and save them in
> the destination folder, and create prestomd, etc in repodata.
> If the drpms aren't worth saving it deletes them and creates a
> ".dontdelta" file for the drpm, so the next round it will be ignored.
> You might want to wait until I push out 0.3.0 later today, as the
> current version of won't try to make deltarpms for
> packages over 70MB (due to memory constraints on my server).
> You will need roughly 3x as much RAM as the largest package you want to
> delta.

Sounds great, I'll give it a whirl once 0.3.0 hits the server :)

But I wonder, since we only specify the updatedir (cwd) and the target 
DRPMS dir, how does it know what packages to build base the delta on? 
Does it use whatever is installed or in the core repo or something?

And here is a thought-up scenario :

- base install includes a package called xxx-1.0.0-1.i386.rpm (100MB)
- then an update is released called xxx-1.0.0-2.i386.rpm (100 MB)
- then an update is released called xxx-1.0.0-3.i386.rpm (100 MB)
- then an update is released called xxx-1.0.1-1.i386.rpm (101 MB)

The currently installed systems could be on any one of the 3 previous 
versions of xxx. So to be able to use drpms for package xxx for any 
system, we'd need several drpm packages to be able to use drpms for all 

At least, these drpms would then be required, right?
1.0.0-1 -> 1.0.1-1
1.0.0-2 -> 1.0.1-1
1.0.0-3 -> 1.0.1-1

Or does it work differently? Perhaps I'm just missing an important piece 
of information here? ;o)

Thanks a lot!


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