Corrupted display with Fedora 7 test 4 live, Intel 965 chipset and wide monitor

Davide Bolcioni dblistsub-fedora at
Wed May 2 11:06:45 UTC 2007

I tried the Fedora 7 test 4 KDE live CD on a workstation with

  00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82Q963/Q965 Integrated 
Graphics Controller (rev 02)

and a

  (II) I810(0): Monitor name: BenQ FP202W

resulting in a visually corrupted display. Taking a screenshot shows no 
corruption, so I guess the problem is with the display timings: the display 
is skewed to the right, with a large blank area on the left, and "ghosts" of 
the graphics appear overlapped a few pixels to the right and down of the 
original. The live CD was i386 and the CPU is x86_64, I am in the process of 
downloading the x86_64 live CD to see if it makes any difference.

Under Fedora 6, the display shows no such corruption, although it works at 
1024x768 instead of at aspect-correct resolutions. Which is the appropriate 
component in Bugzilla for this, the server or the i810 driver (which I guess 
includes the intel driver) ?

Thank you for your consideration,
Davide Bolcioni
There is no place like /home.

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