Why does nautilus create folders in my home directory by default?

Rubin rubin at xs4all.nl
Mon May 7 07:37:32 UTC 2007

> On Sun, 2007-05-06 at 20:43 +0200, Rubin wrote:
>> So, long story short: If it has been discussed before, my humble
>> apologies. If it has to be in there due to upstream changes, then where
>> are the knobs? Can I turn it off?
> Nautilus has nothing to do with creating the folders (unless you count
> the fact that the nautilus maintainer also wrote xdg-user-dirs, which is
> responsible for the creation of the directories).
> If you don't like the directories, simply remove them. They won't come
> back. If you want to change their names, look in
> ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs.

Actually, they are re-created. I've deleted them a couple of times
already. However as I now know of a knob (~/.config/user-dirs.dirs) to
twist, I'm sure I can tweak it to my liking.

I still think this will upset people even though it may be something
good/cool/handy/smart. People should at least be presented with something
that tells them about it and ideally allows them to set the directories in
question when creating a useraccount through the gui for example.

Kind regards,


> Matthias
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