Making Fedora a contributer friendly environment (Re: Selinux and package guidelines)

Hans de Goede j.w.r.degoede at
Mon May 7 11:12:09 UTC 2007

David Woodhouse wrote:
> On Sun, 2007-05-06 at 20:55 +0200, Hans de Goede wrote:
>> I for one have made sure all my packages work well with selinux targeted policy 
>> in enforcing mode, and I've written patches for other peoples packages too. 
>> I've even written for example textrel patches for SDL, but the 
>> maintainer doesn't want to apply them.
> That's very commendable.
> Are you suggesting that _everyone_ does this, and that there's no _need_
> for us to say anything about SElinux in the review guidelines because
> _everyone_ is already as conscientious as you?

Quoting the first paragraph of my mail, which contains the real message:
"I'm getting very tired of these generalism's of you. Most of us are not just 
volunteers, but even hard working volunteers. Terms like packaging monkeys, and 
dumping, are not nice descriptions of, and show no respect for, all the hard 
working people behind Fedora."

I've no problems with writing something about SELinux in the guidelines, 
although you should realise, that handling selinux requires a certain amount of 
knowledge I'm pretty sure not everyone has, so making this a hard requirement 
will exclude about 99% of our current packagers.

But as I tried to already make clear by quoting the first paragraph of my 
previous mail. The SELinux guidelines is not why I responded, the reason I 
responded was the tone of the mail, and more general the tone of your mails in 
general. Please quit calling valuable volunteer contributers as "package 
monkeys", and stop accusing them of "dumping stuff onto other people".

>> So in the future please refrain from such generalisms, an show some respect, or 
>> even better show others the respect you expect them to show for you.
> You seem to be picking holes in terminology and making invalid
> assumptions about my feelings, instead of talking about the issue at
> hand. Please don't.

I wasn't talking about the issue at hand (Selinux guidelines), I was talking 
about an entirely other issue, the selinux thread just happened to trigger me 
to say something of the unpleasant tone of many of your mails and the lack of 
respect this shows for Fedora contributers (like me). I've changed the subject 
to reflect this.



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