Making Fedora a contributer friendly environment (Re: Selinux and package guidelines)

Till Maas opensource at
Tue May 8 10:19:43 UTC 2007

On Mo Mai 7 2007, David Woodhouse wrote:

> So the only people who would be excluded would be those who are
> unwilling or unable to seek help from others when the task before them
> exceeds their abilities. Which would probably be a good thing.

And the people that do not get enough help. I once asked how to get something 
to work because of denied execmod. I got a response that it needs 
text_rel_shlib_t or something similiar, but there was no help how to do this 
correctly in a spec. 
helped a little but was/is not up to date and also the work needed for 
something this simple is way to much imho. One needs to create at least 2 not 
empty files and have a bunch of scriptlets and some other selinux code. This 
whole complexity only leads to more packaging errors. What should be there is 
help, procedures and helpful tools for a maintainer to be able to easily 
package software.


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