F7 Zope package

Nicolas Mailhot nicolas.mailhot at laposte.net
Tue May 8 13:18:15 UTC 2007

Le mardi 08 mai 2007 à 14:53 +0200, Hans de Goede a écrit :

> But I see a serious lack of respect for our end users here.

I see a serious lack of respect for the release process and all the
packagers that followed it if a single user causing enough noise on the
lists can force the fork of a major distro component against the wishes
of its maintainer on the eve of a release for a single app without the
upstream of said app being involved and expressing any form of
commitment to help clear the mess.

May as well trumpet "our release process is a joke" and "people who
follow it are morons afraid of a little flaming".

Think we're not creating a precedent now? Read the thread. Every past
compat package is used as an argument to ignore test releases and the
fact python 2.5 hit rawhide 10 months ago.

Do we want to be flamed every time there is a roadmap clash because
people feel it's easier to change ours than fix the problem upstream
(upstream, upstream, usptream, remember ?)

> I guess in the end it boils down to are we doing a distro for developers only, 
> or for normal (not minding to be on the cutting edge) users too?

It boils down to are we trying to do a distro or are we just publishing
a package magma with no lifecycle or internal consistency.

Nicolas Mailhot
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