F7 Zope package

Brian Pepple bpepple at fedoraproject.org
Tue May 8 14:22:21 UTC 2007

On Tue, 2007-05-08 at 18:42 +0530, Debarshi 'Rishi' Ray wrote:
> What is happening here is that no matter who wants to maintain Python
> 2.4.x in whatever form for Fedora 7, the idea is being shot down since
> Jeremy (the main Python maintainer) does not like it. That is what
> needs a little explaining. All that I have seen is that it will cause
> "agonizing pain", "it is too difficult", etc..

No, the reason the idea is being shot down is because the majority of
FESCo does not like the idea.  You are seriously mis-characterizing
FESCo's decision by implying that Jeremy is the sole reason that Python
2.4 is not being maintained in F7. 

Brian Pepple <bpepple at fedoraproject.org>

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