F7 Zope package

Debarshi 'Rishi' Ray debarshi.ray at gmail.com
Tue May 8 20:17:18 UTC 2007

>> It is kind of sad that in this thread it is critized that Zope
>> upstream is unable to port Zope to python 2.5 within 9 months but Fedora is
>> not able to mention this in the release notes on the media.

> Not that I'm aware of.  They're frozen for translations, and adding
> stuff after the fact makes it impossible to fully translate things.

You do not get the point. What Till was trying to indicate is that
while we are criticising Zope for not migrating to Python 2.5 over the
last 9 months, Fedora has not been able to mention their dropping of
Zope in the release notes.

Now, the question that arises is whether porting Zope to Python 2.5 is
easier, or mentioning Zope's inability to do so and the consequences
thereof in the release notes is easier? Or was the decision to drop
Zope was taken too late to be included in the release notes?

> However, the media release notes always say "the most recent copy of the
> release notes are on the wiki", which do get updated.

This is only applicable for last minute decisions. As far as I
understand, the decision to drop Zope, Plone and Python 2.4 was a
strategic decision. If it was a last minute one too, then it is indeed
very sad.

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