Legality of Fedora in production environment

Simo Sorce ssorce at
Mon May 14 18:25:27 UTC 2007

On Mon, 2007-05-14 at 23:27 +0530, Rahul Sundaram wrote:
> Simo Sorce wrote:
> > 
> > Then I guess the burden should be on Fedora in this case. Asking the
> > developer of a package (or a packager) to provide a legally verified
> > translation to English is a bit too much IMO.
> Fedora does not have the legal resources to pursue translations of every 
> new license that people come up. If the developer does not want to have 
> this trouble then they should just adopt more commonly used licenses 
> instead of insisting on more unique licenses that adds to the burden of 
> maintainers, redistributors and increasing the potential for Free 
> software silos.
> We cannot accept the legal risk of including software under licenses 
> that we don't understand.

I guess Fedora can set up a rule for which software that do not have the
binding license in English cannot be accepted.
But I don't think you will please developers of other countries.

I think a compromises should be attempted.

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