Fedora KDE Channel?

Rahul Sundaram sundaram at fedoraproject.org
Tue May 15 03:31:51 UTC 2007

Arthur Pemberton wrote:
> Does it make sense to anyone else to have a Fedora KDE irc chatroom?
> I'm not too fond of being spoken down to when I mention KDE, and my
> usage thereof.

How is having a channel like this going to make you stop feeling so 
insecure about your usage of a desktop environment? Why should anyone 
else care?

> I wanted to attach this to the KDE SIG thread, but it seemed to far
> from the original topic.

If any such channel is created it should be by the SIG for contributors 
to get involved. Your goal doesn't seem to be that at all. I think KDE 
developers in Fedora (which is a pretty small group) should use common 
channels like #fedora-devel for participation. Living in your own island 
helps no one.


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