Looking for GUI application programs for experiments

William Cohen wcohen at redhat.com
Tue May 15 19:28:15 UTC 2007

Hi all,

I am working with a couple researchers at North Carolina State University 
looking at the TLB behavior. Past studies in this area have used statically 
linked programs like SPEC CPU to provide workload for the simulator. This is 
very different than the typical shared-library, GUI application available on the 
desktop. We would like to have a sampling of workload programs that are more 
like the typical programs that people use on desktop machines. The 
characteristics we are looking for in the examples are:

-represent commonly-performed tasks, e.g. edit file and view document
-depend on a number of dynamically-linked libraries
-use GUI
-have built-in accessibility features needed to automate the
	experiment with dogtail
-run for a couple seconds, so instrumented version doesn't take too long
-doesn't require network access

Currently, we have some example workloads using gthumb, evince, and abiword. 
They are driven by dogtail. We are looking for some additional examples to round 
out the experiments. Some GUI tests might be suitable for this, but would like 
to have examples that are more like normal person might use the software rather 
than a minimal test cases.


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