SUID to cdrecord and cdrdao

Leszek Matok Lam at
Tue May 22 20:33:16 UTC 2007

Dnia 22-05-2007, wto o godzinie 08:09 -0500, Rex Dieter napisał(a):
> In modern times, k3b's warnings are harmless/bogus.  At worst, suid actually
> makes things *worse*.
Not for real SCSI writers, which actually don't work without it.
Re-adding setuid to cdrecord will fix burning for some (lots?) of

Oh, and I remember a time when setuid really made things worse, because
with it, cdrecord failed to start due to some bug. But that bug was
fixed somewhere in FC5-updates IIRC. No offense, but your claim that
suid makes things worse is, in my opinion, FUD.

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