Update on Fedora 7 release progress

Jesse Keating jkeating at redhat.com
Thu May 24 18:02:07 UTC 2007

We're getting closer, ever so closer.  Many of the hurdles have been cleared, 
such as getting all packages signed (which is why rawhide is slow to show up, 
lots of little churn), testing final code paths of compose tools, clearing a 
name through legal, etc...

https://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=FC7Blocker is the blocker 
bug.  We're currently either fixing, or heavily scrutinizing and downgrading 
what's left on this tracker.  We're continuing to test various things from 
our test matrix (which I need to update with my results): 

Due to the logistics of moving things around for a release and press 
announcements and all that, we have a firm go/nogo decision to make at 2pm 
EDT tomorrow (Friday) for a release on the 31st.  You'll probably see some 
discussion on this list, some in #fedora-devel, and as the nature goes, some 
discussion will happen over cube walls between various folks.  We'll try to 
be "public" about what's going on as best we can.

Jesse Keating
Release Engineer: Fedora
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