shiny desktop, anyone?

Kelly lightsolphoenix at
Mon May 28 23:29:02 UTC 2007

On Monday, May 28, 2007 6:00 pm Chris Brown wrote:
> As for arguing that Beryl and Compiz packages are not getting
> the required attention then it would be helpful if you elaborated a little,
> particularly regarding the bugs. Even have a trawl through bugzilla and add
> your thoughts.

Obviously somebody has missed that Beryl/Compiz can't be default on ANY distro 
(and in fact isn't default on any distro I know of), simply because it 
requires a certain level of system upgrading that can't just be ASSUMED to be 
there.  My desktop can run Beryl, but my laptop can't, so I'd have a pretty 
hard time using a distro that used Beryl by default...

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