For your consideration: Secondary Architectures in Fedora

Jesse Keating jkeating at
Wed May 30 17:06:40 UTC 2007

On Wednesday 30 May 2007 13:00:30 David Woodhouse wrote:
> OK.... strange person. In we're playing that game, then Spot's proposal
> won't work as-is either, for exactly the same reason.

Uh no.  In spot's proposal a failure on a secondary arch would not cause a 
failure on the primary arch.  As in a build in fedora's koji will succeed, be 
imported, and alert secondary arch kojis that they have a build to do.  If 
they fail that build, it's a problem for that arch.  The upstream fedora koji 
continues on without issue, packages go out.

[ snipped rhetoric ]

> The proposal I'm making is that we should allow the builds to run to
> completion on the architectures which is actually builds on, but just
> not let the resulting packages get pushed to the repo until any needed
> ExcludeArch bugs are filed. But I'm sure you knew that.

No I didn't.  That's something else entirely, that's all post-build/import and 
into 'what gets pushed out'.  I'm even less happy here as it wouldn't be the 
primary setup's concern to do pushes for the secondary arches.  Secondary 
arches need to do their own pushes, and can decide what versions of packages 
to push.  Obviously they're not going to push non-existant package build.

Jesse Keating
Release Engineer: Fedora
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