Fedora 8 Schedule

Kevin Kofler kevin.kofler at chello.at
Thu May 31 18:02:42 UTC 2007

Jesse Keating <jkeating <at> redhat.com> writes:
> can target for that.  Having a stable schedule is far more important for this 
> release than picking up the latest KDE.

This is not just "the latest KDE", this is a new major version which has been 
under development for years and which everyone is waiting for. The current 
schedule means we'll be forced to either ship a release candidate or do some 
really ugly parallel-installability hacks (or skip KDE 4 for F8 altogether and 
only have it 6 months late). It's hard enough to ship compatibility kdelibs, 
shipping both versions of the entire desktop is worse.

As for upstream projects adapting to Fedora's schedule, why would they adapt to 
Fedora's schedule rather than the one of the zillion other distros around? This 
is never going to work in that direction.

And as for the regular release part, don't the schedules always slip anyway?

        Kevin Kofler

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