Fedora Rel-Eng Meeting Recap 2007-NOV-05

John Poelstra poelstra at redhat.com
Tue Nov 6 01:03:47 UTC 2007

Recap and full IRC transcript found here:

Please make corrections and clarifications to the wiki page.

== F8 ==
  * off to the mirrors; torrents are in progress
  * later this afternoon hope to get a push of F8 updates(-testing) done 
and drop the mirror-manager redirect
  * F8 is unlocked in bodhi so the requests will now show up in the list.
    * 170 0-day updates so far

== Post F8 ==
  * implement new development cycle
  * change of names from "development" tree to "rawhide"
    * making these changes early next week
    * f13 to send out a proposal
  * we need to prioritize F8Target blocker bug
  * other details in IRC transcript

== IRC Transcript ==

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