When will be CVS replaced by modern version control system?

Nicolas Mailhot nicolas.mailhot at laposte.net
Fri Nov 9 09:02:04 UTC 2007

Le Ven 9 novembre 2007 00:25, Karel Zak a écrit :

>  * __unfortunately__, we don't maintain source code in our VCS!

It's not unfortunate at all, the stuff in our VCS has not the same
target as the stuff in upstream VCS and there needs to be a big red
line between them.

Releases happen upstream. Development happens upstream. Fedora rpm
patches are an overlay of upstream work, need to be as limited and
static as possible. Anything else is fork-receipe and short path to
maintenance hell.

And sure it is not very convenient for developpers, because
developpers typically do not want to think about this stuff and would
be happy to have their IDE directly plugged into production or user
systems. But that's basic maintenance discipline that makes everyone
else's life easier.

Nicolas Mailhot

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