When will CVS be replaced by modern version control system?

Nicolas Mailhot nicolas.mailhot at laposte.net
Mon Nov 12 16:24:02 UTC 2007

Le Lun 12 novembre 2007 17:02, Matej Cepl a écrit :
>  So instead of just
> "download tarball from this URL, unpack and work", it could understand
> alos URLs like git://, bzr://, hg:// (or something like that), meaning
> "clone/checkout/<whatever is the local name of getting the sources>
> from somewhere, and then build over that".

This is an auditing & QA nightmare. Today even if upstream disappears
you can easily compare the archive contained in a srpm to the one
mirrors picked up, Debian picked up, Mandriva picked up, etc. The huge
nice property or release archives is they are scarce and not a
continuum. That means everyone uses the same archives. A SCM feed is
something else altogether: suddenly you're not using the same release
as everyone else plus known patches, you're using a state others may
not have picked, and you don't get the benefits of cross-distro
testing (and annoyed upstreams because Fedora bugs are always
different from other user bugs)

Nicolas Mailhot

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