Codec Buddy misleading.

Jeff Spaleta jspaleta at
Mon Nov 12 16:49:39 UTC 2007

On Nov 12, 2007 7:39 AM, Paul Wouters <paul at> wrote:
> So you are also in favour of not telling people about free health care,
> as long as they know how to find a doctor they can pay? That's really a
> non argument. Red Hat is basically ripping of non-US citizens via a
> business partner.

Let's be clear here.  There is no 'partnering' going on.  There is no
exclusivity agreement  associated with how Fedora is presenting the

> Obviously in cooperation and under ultimate decisions of releng and its
> lawyers. So this argument also makes no sense.

If we had knowledge of other worldwide legal options that could be
pointed to specifically we'd have included them.  Right now is there
anything misleading at ?  We state that if you are
in a location where the patents do not apply, then you have other
options. How is that misleading?



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