are you (fedora devels) using fluendo codecs?

Alexander Boström abo at
Fri Nov 16 15:00:13 UTC 2007

fre 2007-11-16 klockan 09:39 -0500 skrev Tom "spot" Callaway:

> Seriously, how optimized does the mp3 codec need to be? I used to play
> mp3s on a Windows 3.1 box with 128 MB of memory. RPM Fusion is full of
> players using gcc, and I've yet to run into a place where I needed to
> optimize beyond -O2 with gcc.

It's not just MP3, though. I've been stuck on an P3 laptop for a while
(the fast computer is in the closet). On such a machine faster codecs
can really make a difference.


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