Time skew of packaged files

Jonathan Underwood jonathan.underwood at gmail.com
Sun Nov 18 11:31:56 UTC 2007


I am seeing a problem regarding the way the file mtime seems to be set
when building packages in the build system. Specifically, I am seeing
this problem when building the emacs-vm package, where the building
process compiles Emacs lisp (*.el) files to compiled elisp files
(*.elc). The uncompiled files are packaged in a sub-package
emacs-vm-el, and the byte compiled files, which should be newer than
their uncompiled counterparts, are packaged in emacs-vm. Installing
both emacs-vm and emacs-vm-el packages, I see:

$ ls -l --full-time /usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/vm/vm-version*
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 5732 2007-10-13 00:44:39.000000000 +0100
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 5559 2007-10-13 00:44:38.000000000 +0100

See how the byte compiled file, which should be newer, has an older
mtime than the uncompiled file? This is causing Emacs to ignore the
byte compiled files.

Am I doing something dumb when building the packages, or is there a
buildsystem problem?


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