RFE: rpmlint

Parag N(पराग़) panemade at gmail.com
Sat Nov 24 04:54:21 UTC 2007

On Nov 24, 2007 1:11 AM, Richi Plana <myfedora at richip.dhs.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> As a first-time Package Maintainer, I've come to realize what a great
> tool rpmlint is. Even after reading the Package Maintainers Guideline, I
> found rpmlint helpful in reminding me of things I've read but just
> forgotten (and, *abashedly*, let me know of things I skipped over). Best
> of all, most of the "info" it provided told me what the problem was, and
> some of the info even told me what to do about it.
> The enhancement I'm making a request of is to actually improve that
> latter part: the informing the PM what to do with regards to an error.
> Rpmlint is in a great position to know details of user's error. What
> would be nice is if there was a main database of Errors and Warnings as
> well as ways to fix it.
> It would be nice if rpmlint (via the -i option) could provide more
> information about fixing the problem. It could also have URL at the
> bottom with a link to a wiki which could contain more information (in
> case it's too long to add to the docs), and the wiki could have user
> contributed notes at the bottom (a'la http://docs.php.net/manual/en/).
> There could be one error or warning per page.
> Example output:
> $ rpmlint -i package-<version>.<arch>.rpm
> package.<arch>: W: incoherent-version-in-changelog 0.99.7-1.fc7
> 1.0-1.fc7
> The last entry in %changelog contains a version identifier that is not
> coherent with the epoch:version-release tuple of the package.
> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/ParagNemade/CommonRpmlintErrors#head-361831a4bde352cd7587024823d9a3a40464d225
> +----------+         +------+
> | Database |  <----> | Wiki |
> +==========+         +------+
> | Errors   |
> |   Fixes  |         +---------+
> | Warnings |  -----> | rpmlint |
> |   Fixes  |         +---------+
> +----------+
> Currently, there are 2 pages on the Wiki
> (http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/ParagNemade/CommonRpmlintErrors and
> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Packaging/CommonRpmlintIssues ) but they
> hasn't kept up with rpmlint and is incomplete. It also has some nice
> nuggets that's missing from rpmlint.
> This may not mean much to seasoned packagers, but wannabes are going to
> find this golden.
> If that's too complicated, how about an update of the
> CommonRpmlintErrors page, at the least? ;)

 When I started with Fedora Project and started reviewing package I
was in need of common rpmlint messages listed on some page for easy
look back to them for how to solve them and ask packager/submitter to
fix those rpmlint messages.
  Later on as I got used to with reviewing packages and rpmlint output
I left updating that page. But If you want some more messages and
their fixes should be listed there then I will do that.


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