samba license change

Rahul Sundaram sundaram at
Wed Oct 10 05:09:51 UTC 2007

Simo Sorce wrote:

> Well there are 2 possible situations:
> A) The projects that depend on samba are willing to address the
> licensing problem
> B) They are not

C) They are willing to consider a move but they need more time.

> If A we have time, we are talking about F9, plenty of time.
> If B then they have 2 choices:
> B.1) Drop functionality
> B.2) Implement/maintain/whatever their own SMB/CIFS support

3) Introduce a compatibility package and maintain it for a while before 
sorting out the licensing details. Samba developers have claimed before 
they will still provide security and bug fixes for the older codebase 
for a while so this option is feasible.


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