samba license change

Nicolas Mailhot nicolas.mailhot at
Thu Oct 11 15:59:15 UTC 2007

Le Jeu 11 octobre 2007 16:55, Les Mikesell a écrit :

> If you have the right to distribute each component separately and the
> existence of a usable gplv2 copy prevents things that happen to link
> to the gplv3 version from being considered a derivative work, what's
> problem

Because you can't limit yourself to analysing components separately.
The distribution itself is an aggregate work that is subject to
copyright laws as a whole.

In a distribution context since yum or anaconda will always choose to
install foo with GPLv3 samba you can't handwave "there was a GPLv2
samba on the buildsys". That's not what users get through pour
distribution. And it's not mere aggregation since one links to the

Nicolas Mailhot

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