CDs DVDs or netboot. Oh my!

Douglas McClendon dmc.fedora at
Sun Oct 14 19:34:06 UTC 2007

Benny Amorsen wrote:
>>>>>> "DM" == Douglas McClendon <dmc.fedora at> writes:
> DM> I.e. on the simple end, would be turning the above process into an
> DM> easy to use GUI. On the more complex end, you could do something
> DM> like using grub2's loopback feature and modifications to the
> DM> install DVD's initramfs, to support something more like what you
> DM> were suggesting.
> How about someone simply making a Fedora Everything spin for USB keys,
> and share that with bittorrent? Anyone up for it?

As the other responder mentioned, I'm assuming you don't really mean 
Everything (much as I was one of the longest hold-outs of keeping and 
using Everything installs).

But what I do think makes sense, is to have a LiveDVD spin that matches 
doing a * install of what is on the traditional install DVD spin.  And 
having a simple well advertised method for LiveCD-install users who have 
net access to upgrade to either that package set, or the 'defaults' 
package set from the traditional install DVD.  I.e. a button that says - 
change my system package set from the defaults that were chosen due to 
700MB livecd iso space constraint, to the package set from defaults that 
the smart fedora developers chose in a non 700MB space constrained 

> Not a Live image, but a good old-fashioned installation image.

This is what I was discussing in part, and if I'm not mistaken, does 
require at least a bit of work to get working.  Certainly using the grub 
loopback feature is probably overkill since replicating the kernel and 
initrd in a usbstick situation is not a big deal.  But you do then still 
need to put smarts into the initramfs to deal with the fact that it may 
be looking for an iso on a vfat usbstick.  Not difficult by any means, 
but definitely a bit of work.

In general I agree that what you are asking for is worth doing for F9, 
and for F8 perhaps via tools that are available online.


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