gnome keyring always needs to be unlocked

Jon Nettleton jon.nettleton at
Thu Oct 18 11:36:15 UTC 2007

On 10/18/07, Kevin Kofler <kevin.kofler at> wrote:
> IMHO gnome-keyring should simply allow passwordless keyrings like KWallet does,
> that would solve this problem in a much simpler way for most use cases, and
> standard *nix permissions will keep the data just as secure as with pam_keyring
> automatically unlocking the keyring for the user owning it anyway.

That is absolutely 100% not true.  If someone steals your laptop and
you have a passwordless keyring like in KWallet, your passwords are
pretty much stolen.  Boot off a bootable cd mount the filesystem,

With pam_gnome_keyring those passwords are still encrypted on disk and
without the key, the thief gets nothing.


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