gnome keyring always needs to be unlocked

Douglas McClendon dmc.fedora at
Thu Oct 18 22:37:35 UTC 2007

Jeff Spaleta wrote:
> On 10/18/07, Kevin Kofler <kevin.kofler at> wrote:
>> Encrypted home directories are a solution for a computer which can be stolen.
>> If you're worried about your central server getting stolen, you have bigger
>> security problems than keyring security. ;-) Permissions should be enough to
>> secure a computer if physical security is present.
> Are suggestion that linux laptop users are somehow immune to falling
> prey to problem which require  troubleshooting application
> configurations stored in a user's home directory?

It's an interesting question as to what 'doesn't matter'.  I.e. mail 
server passwords and other data and configuration stored in 
~/.thunderbird.  Or everything stored in ~/.firefox.  Those seem to me 
to be things I'd like encrypted by default as a laptop user, in addition 
to what you described as some special xdg style directory.

IMHO, in your scenario, if someone else is troubleshooting my 
application configuration, I'd like as a user to be present both

a) to learn how to fix/prevent the problem myself
b) make sure that the troubleshooter isn't violating my privacy.

Now, if it's a corporate laptop, in a scenario where as a user I don't 
have a right to that much privacy/paranoia, the corporate sysadmin 
should already have the encryption keys (or backdoors).



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