NSCD, Fedora, and busted DNS

Jon Masters jonathan at jonmasters.org
Mon Oct 22 00:30:05 UTC 2007


Working out a few things that bug me about Fedora apps and DNS (many).
Specifically, handling of a busted network connection (I often reboot
with a vpnc-afflicted resolv.conf remaining...). So far, I can see that
the initscripts don't really handle a connection that's semi-up but not
really. I guess this waits for upstart/whatever. Annoying, but ok.

But most randomly annoying today, an strace shows that the Rhythmbox
application[0] thinks it's a good idea to do a DNS lookup *every* time
one changes track...lovely. Really stupid.

We have NSCD installed on my F8T3, why is it not running by default?

[jcm at perihelion ~]$ sudo /etc/init.d/nscd status
nscd is stopped


[0] I'm a die-hard XMMS fanboy, but I'm told I'm living in history and
should move with the times...like ditching use of cdrecord ;-)

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