KDE logout options with F8

Kevin Kofler kevin.kofler at chello.at
Wed Oct 31 04:37:09 UTC 2007

Jesse Keating <jkeating <at> redhat.com> writes:
> And doing every feature twice (face browser, etc..) or having different
> feature sets that confuse and anger users.

Different software has different features, duh... It's funny that you mention 
the face browser, because KDM actually supported that first as far as I know. 
If all choices had the exact same features, people wouldn't have a preference 
in the first place. And there are several features KDE has and GNOME doesn't 
have. There will be even more with KDE 4.x. To follow your logic, we should 
drop GNOME. ;-)

        Kevin Kofler

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