KDE logout options with F8

Joachim Frieben jfrieben at gmx.de
Wed Oct 31 09:19:02 UTC 2007

> gdm is the default login manager in the base X group. It can't
> be removed from there.
> Bill

Rahul's position on this seems to be more coherent. When you want a plain X environment without GNOME nor KDE [and haven't selected any of both at install and -only- then], you simply don't want to get bothered by any of overloaded GDM and KDM with face browser stuff and the like and pulling in tons of additional packages you don't want to have installed either.
XDM is a perfectly valuable and lightweight login manager. Why wouldn't it be a valid choice when it's even shipped by upstream Xorg?
The suggestion to make XDM the default login manager of the X base group and GDM/KDM the default login manager of their respective desktop environments appears to be the most compelling choice.
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