KDE logout options with F8

Richi Plana myfedora at richip.dhs.org
Wed Oct 31 18:13:31 UTC 2007

On Wed, 2007-10-31 at 18:59 +0100, Christopher Aillon wrote:
> It is a reasonable request.  Can you accept reasonable answers?  Notting 
> and jkeating have already replied with technical analysis explaining why 
> it is not possible.  If you have more knowledge than they do about the 
> crazy way anaconda and comps works, and can refute their knowledge, 
> please do on technical terms.  Note: "I, on behalf of the KDE SIG, think 
> we should be able to do this" is not technical.

I'd like to make a request to the KDE-SIG folks to please review this
thread, specifically looking for Notting's and jkeating's technical
analysis for why it can't be done and put it on the KDE-SIG wiki for
future review? As much as I'd like to figure out what can and can't be
done, I don't want to go through that whole thread (I just automatically
deleted mail with the Subject title).

Personally, I like and use Gnome and have no intention of using KDE, but
I believe that Fedora should be about giving people the choice to do
what they want and that Fedora's inclination in a split-decision should
only show in the choice of defaults and not what is and isn't allowed.

Richi Plana

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