My 2 cents on the whole Fedora to succeed as global wide deployed desktop are...

Stewart Adam s.adam at
Mon Sep 3 15:33:20 UTC 2007

> Yes, most ARE, but the one with services could be useful. There is a
> batch of services that are useful on most of notebooks, but are unneeded
> on most of Desktops/Servers and vice versa. And we'd like to get rid of
> as much unneeded services as possible, so if we target the default ones
> with a thought of the target platform, it would be IMHO more effective.
> Maybe it could go to anaconda, but personally I think that first boot is
> better place for that.
+1 - A simple list with a service's name and a short description would
be very useful, and not to mention cut boot time. IMHO there are many
services they Fedora has enabled by default which are relatively useless
for most users. The whole rpc/nfs gang of services, sendmail - Why? I
may be wrong, but I doubt that most of our users want to be running NFS
and mail servers on a default install. Besides that, running Bluetooth
on a machine without Bluetooth-capable hardware is a complete waste of

A simple example:
  [X] Laptop services
  [ ] Bluetooth - Bluetooth connectivity services
  [X] NetworkManager - Easy management of network connections
  [ ] Avahi - Zeroconf network discovery
  [ ] NFS - File sharing
  [ ] sendmail - Mail server
  [ ] SMB - Samba (Windows) file and printer sharing
  [ ] SSH - Remote shell

Laptop Services would enable cpuspeed and apmd, as desktop machines
don't really *need* those services. The rest can be enabled as the user
sees fit.


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