Killing maintainers

Jonathan Underwood jonathan.underwood at
Wed Sep 5 21:26:24 UTC 2007


There's been a thread over on fedora-maintainers list for a few weeks
proposing that fedora-maintainers be shut down, as it simply serves
bifurcate discussion between here (devel) and there. All responses
were in favour. Many people didn't respond, probably because they
don't bother reading fedora-maintainers. As an aside, notice how
quickly the discussion about naming F8 moved to devel simply because
people weren't signed up to -maintainers. There has been a lot of
discussion about list reorganization - let's not rehash that. One
uncontentious point seems to be, -maintainers must die.

What is the quickest way of getting this done? Which of the myriad
committees does this need to go through?


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