FESCo Meeting Summary for 2007-09-06

Brian Pepple bpepple at fedoraproject.org
Thu Sep 6 19:45:15 UTC 2007

Members Present
      * Brian Pepple (bpepple) 
      * Jason Tibbitts (tibbs) 
      * Jeremy Katz (jeremy) 
      * Jesse Keating (f13) 
      * Christian Iseli (c4chris) 
      * Christopher Aillon (caillon) 
      * Kevin Fenzi (nirik) 
      * Dennis Gilmore (dgilmore) 
      * Bill Nottingham (notting) 
      * Josh Boyer (jwb) 
      * Tom Callaway (spot) 

Members Absent
      * David Woodhouse (dwmw2) 
      * Warren Togami (warren) 

== Summary == 
== Bluetooth Feature Proposal ==
      * Bastien Nocera (hadess) attended the meeting to appeal the
        recent FESCo decision to remove Bluetooth from the new features
        list for F8. After being apprised of the the changes for
        Bluetooth support, FESCo agreed to reverse it's prior decision.
        For more information about the Bluetooth improvements please
        refer to: 

== Bodhi Enhancements ==
      * Luke Macken (lmacken) discussed some enhancements to Bodhi that
        should be coming shortly: 
              * A nag mail will be sent to maintainers if a package
                update is left in testing for certain length of time. 
              * Auto pushing of packages after receiving 3 karma votes. 
== Buildroot Changes ==
      * f13 is going to implement the changes to the buildroot that were
        discussed in the 2007-08-30 FESCo meeting. 

== Compat Policy ==
      * jeremy is still working on this, and will try to have something
        for next week. 

== Closing Maintainers List ==
      * After a long discussion, it was decided to close the
        fedora-maintainers-list. In the future maintainer discussions
        will be conducted on the fedora-devel-list. bpepple will send a
        notice out announcing this. 

== Features Update ==
      * FESCo discussed the status of the NetworkManger, xulrunner, and
        generic-logos features. For more details, please refer to the
        IRC log. 

IRC log can be found at:

Brian Pepple <bpepple at fedoraproject.org>

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