Proposed changes to buildsys-build group (otherwise known as the Exceptions list)

Till Maas opensource at
Sat Sep 8 05:46:51 UTC 2007

On Sa September 8 2007, Jesse Keating wrote:

> These are now the minimal build group.  Reasonable requests to add more
> of what is currently implicit into the explicit list will gladly be
> discussed, but for now the important thing was to get util-linux-ng
> back in the set, and to remove perl(-devel) from the set.

Please make everything that is implicit now, also explicit with "secondary 
priority" and only remove packages from the Exceptions list once every 
development cycle. When it is time to clean up the list, you can check 
whether every "secondary priority" package is a dependency of a "primary 
priority" package and if one is not, remove it. If would be also nice, if 
there where was a way to scratch build packages in koji against the implicit 
list, so one can test whethe BR need to be adjusted in the future. But with 
the "secondary priority" packages always being installed, it prevents 
breaking builds for missing BRs without a warning, that this may happen.

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