/etc/hosts and system entries

Alexander Boström abo at kth.se
Fri Sep 28 13:36:18 UTC 2007

fre 2007-09-28 klockan 14:27 +0100 skrev Bill Crawford:

> Another point being missed, is that if the hostname gets changed the
> moment an external IP interface is brought up, X becomes unusable
> because suddenly the magic cookie isn't found (the server and
> .Xauthority think it's "localhost" and the client thinks it's
> "some-dynamic-ip-xx-yy-zz.imaginative-dsl-provider.com").
> So adding it to /etc/hosts as (or, as I do, 127.0.0.x where
> x > 1) helps a lot(!) 

Nah, that's X or X usage that's broken then. DISPLAY should be ":X",
nothing else. I mean, nowadays -nolisten tcp is the default anyway.


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