Fedora spin from RpmFusion

Kevin Kofler kevin.kofler at chello.at
Sat Sep 29 04:19:14 UTC 2007

Jóhann B. Guðmundsson <johannbg <at> hi.is> writes:
> If naming/artwork is changed could we include the AMD and Nvidia drivers?

Fedora naming is not your only worry if you want to do that. Non-GPL kernel 
modules are almost certainly a violation of the Linux kernel's GPL (version 2) 
license, especially when distributing them together with the kernel itself. I 
know some other distros get away with it, but that doesn't make it legal. If 
you want to know more about this issue, search the net, there have been 
numerous articles and flamewars written over that subject.

        Kevin Kofler

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