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Christian Iseli Christian.Iseli at unil.ch
Wed Apr 30 15:06:11 UTC 2008

On Wed, 30 Apr 2008 16:31:10 +0200, Thorsten Leemhuis wrote:
> Here is the difference between  "I have a open ear for your problems; 
> just come and tell me about it"

I agree we do mostly this as a committee, we wait for project members
(be they part of the committee or not) to report problems / raise
questions before we act.

> vs. "I'm looking after you all the
> time and think I noticed you have some problems; should we try to
> solve them together" again I mentioned in a mail to this list
> yesterday.

The way I read this, it sounds mostly like kindergarten where the
adults will kindly look after the kids and try to get them to behave
and do something interesting of their day.  I'm not sure I am
completely comfortable with this vision of how Fedora/FESCo should be
operating.  Sure, we can be proactive.  But I'd feel a bit like
big brother, breathing down everyone's neck trying to make sure they
have no worries, and it sounds a bit "too much" for me.  I'm not sure
I'd enjoy having such a meddling committee looking after my Fedoran
well being.  But maybe that's just me.

On the other hand, I'd really enjoy that the whole Fedora community be a
bit more "meddling", when it comes to how things work in Fedora.  The
fact that there are rotting situations in BZ reports that do not
transpire to the larger community until a contributor thinks his best
course of action is to retire, is not good.  I think that angering
situations should be brought in the open for discussion as early as
possible, either on this list or to FESCo or FAB.  I do not think we
should mandate FESCo to go hunting down potential angering situations
in all corners of the Fedora world.

Ah well, maybe I'm rambling now...


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