Feature or bug? (strange?) yum behaviour

Mark markg85 at gmail.com
Tue Apr 1 14:12:14 UTC 2008


I was just about to install gimp or so i thought.
I didn't look in Applications -> Graphics to see if gimp was already
there. This time it was but i found that out after i did: yum -y
install gimp.

Now for the feature or bug in yum.
When you have a application installed and then yum: yum -y install
gimp then yum first needs to download updates of it's repository.. do
something else and than it simply tells me: Package
2:gimp-2.4.5-1.fc9.i386 already installed and latest version

But wouldn't it be best if yum FIRST checks if the package is already
installed and if it is then ask the user to check for updates?

I know i can use rpm -qi gimp to see if i get information or nothing
indicating it's installed or not but having this in yum before it does
anything would be nice.


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