Fedora (again) forces me to disable SELinux

Jeff Spaleta jspaleta at gmail.com
Tue Apr 1 16:31:22 UTC 2008

On Tue, Apr 1, 2008 at 5:35 AM, David Mansfield <fedora at dm.cobite.com>

> Hey, to extend this 'you can help' thing, is it possible that a
> smolt-like setroubleshoot logger could be installed which automatically
> (after asking for permission of course) posts the denials to a database
> so developers could see statistics, say, after a big batch of updates?

This is a good idea but....this only helps if people keep selinux in at
least permissive.. instead of disabling it completely as part of testing.
Which means its probably not going to help solve whatever weirdness inspired
this particular thread.

> I think one thing that's frustrating is to have to open a bugzilla for
> each and every one.  It's way too much work.  There needs to be a
> specific way to address these 'bogus' denails and get the updated
> policies in a streamlined manner, IMHO.

Uhm... you know.. we have a test-list where people can discuss things..
including selinux avc message... with other testers to try to help determine
if they are worth filing in bugzilla.
A database of avc messages that can be statically datamined isn't going to
magically 'solve' problems. It might show obvious problems, that are easily
reproduced...but if they are easily reproduced then the data is somewhat

What really matters how to catch and correctly resolve issues that are more
sporadic in nature, that developers and the internal QA people can't
reproduce.   And that takes a commitment for the individual tester who is
experiencing the problem to communicate with other human beings as part of a
group effort to troubleshoot a subsystem.   If they don't care about the
subsystem..fine..then they can choose to disable it and then keep their
mouth shut about the problems with. But if they are going to be inspired or
frustrated by the problem enough to drag their opinion on to this list that
a particular subsystem should be disabled...without first making a sincere
effort to participate in the testing of the subsystem...well then..they
deserve my scorn for paying lip service to the community testing process.

As a tester, if you what you care about is crap like compiz ui problems, or
the fact that your trackpad is fubar'd.. or the fact that keyboard
localization doesn't work in gdm....and are putting in the effort to
communicate those problems with enough specificity for people to help
diagnose and fix it.. then you have earned some credibility to discuss your
feelings on the value of those subsystems.  But just because you have done
your fair share on testing one subsystem does not give you authority to
spout random opinions about the value of other subsystems which you haven't
been competently testing...selinux included.

When testers refuse to discuss the details of problems with at least other
testers, the community testing process fails.  This thread is a failure.
The original poster has failed to communicate the problems with enough
specificity for anyone to attempt to diagnose it.  Bugzilla be damned. We
have a mailinglist for testers, and the original poster clearly knows how to
use a mailinglist or else we wouldn't be wasting time on this thread.

-jef"I guess its time to resurrect my TestingManifesto page in the
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