Fedora (again) forces me to disable SELinux

Andrew Farris lordmorgul at gmail.com
Mon Apr 7 16:11:39 UTC 2008

Mark wrote:
> Now just to group it together.
> Just to report issues you have to do (one/multiple or all):
> - send a message to the test list
> - send a message to the selinux-list
> - file a bugzilla
> And for that you need to subscribe to those lists or register to on
> bugzilla. The later one isn't a issue because i already have a account
> on bugzilla but the subscribing part is.. just getting more junk in my
> gmail! And why do you guys make a list for everything.. you can overdo
> it and this smells like overdoing it.

You don't have to be receiving the emails, you can disable delivery but still be 
subscribed to send.  Having subscription is important for helping to curb spam 
issues, and it lends some credibility as well.

You don't have to report to all 3 places, bugzilla is preferred and you could 
just do that only.

> Also you see that there are 3 ways in reporting a bug. all 3 require
> the user to put work in it to even start reporting the bug. If you
> want more bugs to get filled than get rid of those subscription and
> registration demands! Make a bug database for that selinux stuff.. add
> a "report bug" button in selinux where the notices appear.. just do
> something to get the users so far to submit more of those
> notices/warning/whatever

Could be useful for testing, but someone would need to develop the web 
application that can accept those reports.

Andrew Farris <lordmorgul at gmail.com> www.lordmorgul.net
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