Spin SIG Meeting Minutes

Jeroen van Meeuwen kanarip at kanarip.com
Wed Apr 9 22:16:17 UTC 2008


^^ Hope you can read it ;-) If someone can point me to the HTML-thingy 
that makes it look nicer I'd appreciate.

Attendees: Jeroen van Meeuwen, James Ben Williams, Rahul Sundaram, 
Jeffrey Tadlock, Jef Spaleta, Max Spevack, Jesse Keating

Regrets: Jonathan Steffan (had to get lunch... Grab a sandwich next 
time! :P)

== Discussion Summary ==

=== Spin Guidelines ===

  * https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/SIGs/Spins/CommunitySpinGuidelines
  * OWNER: Jeroen van Meeuwen
    - Fine tune terminology used (JvM)
    - Keep Guidelines plain and simple, yet as
      complete as possible (JvM)
    - Incorporate any guidelines from the Board (mainly
      for Trademark acceptance), should they be provided (JvM)
    - Clarify "patching packages" against "legitimate changes
      in default behavior" (JvM)

=== Kickstart Pool ===

  * https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/SIGs/Spins/KickstartPool
  * OWNER: Jeroen van Meeuwen
    - Request fedorahosted.org GIT repository (JvM)
    - Template/Snippet kickstarts as a sample for these pages (JvM)
    - Draft documentation for end-users (JvM)

=== Spin Submission Process ===

  * No wiki page yet
  * OWNER: Jeroen van Meeuwen
    - Draft a Spin Submission Process from the Spin Guidelines
    - Figure out and document what happens between Trademark Approval
      and being Released as part of the Release cycle

=== Spin Documentation ===

  * No wiki page yet
  * OWNER: Jeroen van Meeuwen
    - Given the Guidelines and Kickstart Pool documents, write
      documentation that tells people what to do exactly, to
      create a Spin

=== Other Topics ===

  * https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/SIGs/Spins/Agenda
  * OWNER: All
    - Several spins proposed by Rahul Sundaram which need reviewing
    - Request Mailing list (spin-list@ or similar) (JvM)

Kind regards,

Jeroen van Meeuwen

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