RFC: Draft Javascript Guidelines

Till Maas opensource at till.name
Thu Apr 10 22:18:28 UTC 2008

On Thu April 10 2008, Jason L Tibbitts III wrote:
> >>>>> "TM" == Till Maas <opensource at till.name> writes:
> TM> When the apache config file is stored below /etc/httpd, any
> TM> Javascript library has to depend on apache.
> I'm not really sure why that's a bad thing.  Perhaps there's a desire
> to use a different web server?  Do the non-apache web servers we

If one wants to use a different web server or no webserver at all, one still 
has to install apache without gaining anything in most cases, because afaik 
as soon there is a new version of the config file installed, the /etc/httpd 
directory won't be removed when the package is removed.

> provide also make use of /etc/httpd/conf.d?  If not, why haven't we
> heard more complaints about all of the web applications that install
> into /usr/share and then map themselves into the URL space with a file
> in /etc/httpd/conf.d?

I filed a bug against trac a long time ago, because it cannot be installed 
without apache.


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