python packaging, egg-info file vs. directory

Toshio Kuratomi a.badger at
Tue Apr 15 16:09:55 UTC 2008

Thomas Moschny wrote:
> 2008/4/15, Toshio Kuratomi <a.badger at>:
>>  Maybe the Guidelines need rewording.  Can you point at something in the
>> Guidelines that could be improved to show that using setuptools to add eggs
>> in F7/F8 is optional?  (All packages must handle the egg files in F9+ and
>> they must handle eggs created by packages which use setuptools normally.
>> The optional part is when adding eggs to a package which doesn't provide
>> them on its own.)
> Why do you consider it optional?
> The point was, that software like Trac depends on eggs to find its
> needed libraries. Creating them should therefore not be optional, even
> for older fedora releases.
Does trac use this library?  If not, then it should definitely be 
optional.  eggs are only generated if 1) the upstream package uses 
setuptools or 2) python-2.5 is being used.  For trac to depend on 
packages providing eggs that don't build with setuptools is limiting 
trac to python-2.5.

Our addition of setuptools to provide eggs when upstream does not use 
setuptools itself, is something of a kludge.  We should not use it 
unless the packager deems it to provide useful value for the particular 
package they are working on.

Note: F-8's python-2.5 which disables egg generation in distutils is 
also a kludge.  And one that turned out to have poor side effects.  So 
the guidelines give us a method to workaround that deficiency.  But when 
there's no problem (because nothing is depending on the egg-info in 
order to function) there's no reason to kludge around the kludge.


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