packages without internet source in fedora

Patrice Dumas pertusus at
Wed Apr 16 20:00:48 UTC 2008


The issue of upstream disappearing is somewhat common (some examples in
mind, former vixie-cron, dos2unix, libnet), maybe we could have a policy 
about it. There are also some packages fedora is upstream for, covered in
and some that are not really packages, like redhat-rpm-config.

I think that we really should avoid having any package packaged in a
srpm only (which is the case for package with missing upstream and
packages fedora is upstream for), and try to use systematically version
control system for the packages fedora is upstream for, even packages
that are not really independent packages, like redhat-rpm-config.

I think that the 2 cases should be handled differently:

* fedora specific: on

* missing upstream: I think that fedorahosted is not right, a distro
  neutral place should in my opinion be better. I also think that it
  should be coordinated with other distros. In my opinion discussing
  about it on the new distributions list and announcing on that list 
  should be interesting. And once things are settled, I think that there
  should be an obligation for the fedora maintainers to use that new 
  hosting (or another, but this one would be the classical one).

What do you think?


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