upcoming varnish-2.0, or running a test suite that starts and connects to a daemon

Ingvar Hagelund ingvar at linpro.no
Fri Aug 22 12:14:00 UTC 2008

* Mogens Kjaer
> If I remove the comment on %{__make} check and build varnish,
> it doesn't run any checks at all. It just complains about a missing
> libvarnish.so.0:
> ...
> error while loading shared libraries: libvarnish.so.0: cannot open
> shared object file: No such file or directory
> FAIL: ./tests/a00000.vtc
> ...
> So is the build system using an already installed libvarnish.so.0
> if one is available and not the newly built libvarnish.so.0?

Yes, that is correct, and that would be a bug in the upstream source.
I'll ask them to fix it. To work around, build and install varnish-libs


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