mock errors

Peter Robinson pbrobinson at
Sat Aug 30 16:58:42 UTC 2008

>> I on occasion get the following errors when running mock to do with DB
>> errors. It seems to happen when I add the koji repo but this time its
>> not enabled and I've even removed the contents of the entire mock
>> build dir and I still get the error. Can anyone shed any light on this
>> issue?
> may be related to:
> If you disable the root cache, does it cease to fail?

Looks very similar. If I clean out the cache it does generally work
although I think I may have seen it without the cache too but I tried
a few different things and that could be me getting them mixed up. If
I enable the local (koji) repo in the mock config files it happens
just about everytime. I had some vague idea it might have been the
repo sqllite db version dependent on the repo you get but I have no
real idea whether that would make a difference or not or even if each
mirror re-generates the yum sqllite DB.


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