RFC: Description text in packages

Bill Nottingham notting at redhat.com
Tue Dec 16 20:16:40 UTC 2008

Nicolas Mailhot (nicolas.mailhot at laposte.net) said: 
> > please just "" or ''
> > the use of UTF-8 fancy quotations should be done by the renderer
> No it should not. This is the road to incompatible software and piles of
> quirks (as in, everyone just has to edit text in Microsoft word because
> input and rendering logic has been implemented there instead of a
> generic standard encoding level)

I fail to see how using the neutral quote character ", a perfectly valid
standard unicode character, is the road to incompatible software and piles
of quirks.

Frankly, I'm surprised you don't sign your mail "Nicolas" - think of
all the extra high bits you could use!


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